Do Yourself a Favor: Get a Wedding Planner

Evansville Wedding Planner

The following post is one of my favorites that I've written this year (originally for The Wedding Party blog)... so much so, that I realized I needed it on the DayLily Events blog, too!

Did you happen to catch Mariah Carey's -- ahem -- performance/technical meltdown on New Year's Eve? And you thought you had a bad year! Let's be real: I know she's a little bit of a train wreck, but Girl has been performing for YEARS... decades, even! MC knows her stuff. But something went wrong, and this extremely experienced, talented performer couldn't get it together enough to even pretend she knew what she was doing.

She didn't get a do-over, and you probably won't get a wedding day do-over either. Now, we can all speculate to the many reasons that could have caused her performance "malfunction", but at the end of the day, my point really is this: you need a wedding planner. You need someone watching your back on your big day -- someone who isn't your mom or maid of honor or the busybody lady at church who just wants to be in charge.


Jamie Brewer of DayLily Events with Bride-to-Be Alisha
| Photo by Alisha Sims Photography

I have helped a number of amazing women get down the aisle in one piece. Not one wedding has been flawless, I admit, but they have all been amazing. I am a proactive planner! It's my job to foresee as many snags and problems in advance so that I can head off issues before they even create drama. I also have the ability to problem solve, and I have a wealth of experience to pull from so that I can be reactive at the appropriate times to fix things that do go wrong.


The Wedding Party Styled Shoot @ Farmer & Frenchman
| Photo by Alisha Sims Photography

You need an experienced, professional, caring, encouraging, organized planner/coordinator who is going to guide you and walk you through the process since it's most likely you've never done this before. I've seen estimates that couples (let's be real: usually the brides) spend between 300-450 hours planning their weddings. That's like 6-8 extra hours/week for an entire YEAR! Do you have that extra time to spare?

Let's say you do have the time: do you have the knowledge and the expertise it takes to understand all the logistics that go into making this one day the best it can be? Are you familiar with all the ways to avoid and save time and stress and headaches -- and likely money, too?


Jamie Brewer: Owner/Lead Planner of DayLily Events
| Photo by Alisha Sims Photography

Imagine the moment you've dreamed about forever: walking down the aisle to the person you love. Now, imagine walking down the aisle again and freaking out mid-stride because you aren't sure if your cake is going to be at your reception when you get there. You might be the most organized of your friends. You might color code your sock drawer and make Martha Stewart look like an amateur. But I'll bet you Martha Stewart would still tell you to get a wedding planner. You can cross all your Ts and dot your Is, but at the end of the day, you have to let go and walk down the aisle (and dance your tail off at your reception) and begin to enjoy all your hard work and money spent and time dedicated, and you can't do that while looking over your shoulder all night and worrying about every little detail.

Consider hiring a planner a gift --an investment-- to yourself, your significant other, and your family and friends. I promise you won't regret it! What has been your biggest stress point so far in your wedding? What is the nightmare you keep waking up to at night? I'd love to grab a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine!) with you so we can talk it through -- contact me here!

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